Award available for accomplished women

Abigail Taylor, Staff Reporter

Women who defend women’s rights, who are role models, contribute to community organizations, or who make a difference in the community are eligible to win the Women’s Achievement Award.

Recognition of these accomplished women is part of Women’s History and Awareness Month, which takes place in March. Throughout the month the women’s studies department will host educational programs regarding women’s history and awareness.

The women’s studies committee created the award in 1980 and anyone can nominate a woman they feel is suitable for this award. They can be someone in the community, a faculty member, a student or anyone who lives in the Charleston area and meets the qualifications. The women studies committee will award both a community member and someone from Eastern.

The committee is accepting nominations now until March 2.  The nomination forms are hung around the community, and are available through the Women’s Resource Center in the basement of Stevenson Hall or by emailing [email protected].

Women’s studies minors and anyone involved in the women’s studies department are not eligible for the award since they will be reviewing the nominations.

The nomination forms ask for a brief description of the nominee’s contributions to the community and why she deserves the award, which will be presented at the end of March in the basement of the Martin Luther King Junior University Union.

Last year’s winners were Abby Haughee, Elaine Fine and Lynette Rushmore. Jonelle DePetro, the chairwoman and 2002 recipient of the Women of Achievement Award mentioned that these women had a huge impact in the community.

Past winners have served the community in ways including volunteering with HOPE and SACIS, as well as participating in music-oriented organizations for women who are going through different struggles.

“Anyone can nominate,” DePetro said. “Nominate someone.”

DePetro said she has had such a passion for this award and said they have a high standard for the women that are nominated.

Abigail Taylor can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].