Column: An emotional farewell to collegiate imbibement

Anthony Catezone, Managing Editor

Sappy, sappy, sappy. College graduation. Blah, blah, blah.

When I graduate in December (fingers crossed), I will be saying goodbye to many things: classes, friends, The Daily Eastern News, Charleston, etc.

All of the above have molded me, helped me find myself, led me to become the man I am today, influenced me in ways beyond belief and all that jazz.

But I am not going to mope about leaving a piece of me or worry about leaving my mark behind or boast about leaving with a new-found wisdom.

I am grateful for everything I took away from college. Somewhat.

Truth is I am glad to be done. It has been five tiresome years down a long, treacherous path. Thank God it is over. As for my classes, my friends, The Daily Eastern News and Charleston?

Well, classes? I’ve been in school for the better part of my 23 years; a break from classes for the rest of my life is well deserved and will do me some good.

Friends? If I am truly good friends with people, I will go out of my way to keep up that relationship and they will do the same.

The Daily Eastern News? It’s been a blast, but I’m ready for the big leagues. Put me in, coach!

And for Charleston? …

But the one true thing I will miss the most about college is the drinking.

Never again will I have such easily accessible opportunities to drink, such as tequila Tuesdays, Ladies Night and Country Night on Wednesdays, Bingo on Thursdays, 4 o’clock club on Fridays, then Saturday night and, of course, Sunday Funday.

Mondays are a recuperating day.

It is not like those themed nights of drinking can’t be found anywhere else; in fact, pretty much every bar across the country promotes specials like that.

But once I leave college, will I really ever again be able to drink so excessively? Not if I want a job. Which I really don’t, but society — and my girlfriend — tell me I have to get one.

So, to my professors’ dismay, in college I am able to sacrifice a day or two of class because of a hangover or even bear the 50-65-minute class hangover-induced.

It is a bold task to try and do so in life after college with a real job in the real world. I would like to say I will give that task by best attempt, but I would be setting my self up for a loss.

I have three weekends left of my college career, so while I still have the chance, goodbye, excessive drinking. And thank you for everything.

Anthony Catezone is a senior journalism major.

His favorite alcoholic beverage is Woodford

Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon.

Feel free to buy him a bottle for graduation.

He can be reached at 581-2812
