RHA announces ROC Fest winners
Students from Douglas Hall receive the first place paddle for winning the ROCfest boat race Thursday in the lobby of Stevenson Hall.
October 2, 2014
Those in attendance waited in anticipation as Kadie Peterson, the Resident Hall Association vice president, was about to reveal the overall winner of ROC Fest on Thursday.
“And finally the winner of ROC Fest, Taylor Hall,” Peterson said.
Taylor has never won ROC Fest, and this year Taylor had placed at least in the top three in almost all the events.
Anthony Klaus, a freshman engineering major and Taylor Hall’s RHA representative, reflected on the accomplishment.
“The domination was real, but competition was good,” Klaus said. “ There were times where we couldn’t make deadlines, and we had our troubles but we made it through.”
He said Taylor Hall had many participants for ROC Fest.
“We had a lot of participation during the events; some people participated more than most, but in the end we came out on top,” Klaus said.
Peterson also announced that Andrews Hall took second place and Pemberton Hall took third place.
Person announced the winners of each of the individual events that occurred during ROC Fest.
For the boat relay race, Peterson revealed the winners of both the judging portion and the actual race.
For the judging portion of the event the first-place winners were Andrews Hall participants with Thomas in second place, and Taylor in third.
The top three halls for the racing portion were Douglas, Ford and Weller.
The winners of the ROC Fest window-judging contest were also revealed.
The winners of the contest with interactive windows were Pemberton Hall participants.
Taylor Hall came in second and Andrews Hall came in third.
The zombie tag event had two sets of winners, which include longest survivor and the most infected.
The top three halls with the most infected were Ford, Taylor, and Pemberton halls in that order.
The top halls with the longest survivors of the event were Thomas Hall in first place, Stevenson in second and Taylor in third.
The final event was the campus-wide scavenger hunt.
First place winner was Taylor Hall.
Weller hall came in second, and Andrews Hall came in third place.
RHA also announced which halls found the most panther babies.
The hall that found the most panther babies was Stevenson.
The winning halls of each of these events received a wooden blue paddle, each painted with the pictures that represented the different events of ROC Fest.
Taylor Hall received the ROC Fest trophy, a blue painted wooden guitar with all of the previous ROC Fest winners written along the neck.
Last year’s ROC Fest winner was Lawson Hall, whose members passed the guitar over to Taylor Hall members.
“It wasn’t really hard to determine this year’s winner,” Peterson said. “We want every hall to win.”
RHA also discussed Camp New Hope, an organization that helps those with developmental disabilities, which begins this
RHA treasurer Kyle Anderson shared some of RHA’s plan for Homecoming.
“We have an event in the works called Color Me Blue,” Anderson said. “It’s going to be a night time event, with black and florescent lights.”
The next RHA meeting with be next Thursday at Thomas Hall.
Luis Martinez can be reached 581-2812 or lpmartinez@eiu.edu.