New RSO aims to build confidence with modeling
Couture Models, a new RSO at Eastern, holds tryouts in the basement of Lawson Hall on Tuesday. Originally starting at Southern Illinois-Edwardsville during the spring of 2014, the group was brought to Eastern this semester. DeVonté Dixon, president of Couture Models, said the idea was to bring new entertainment and ideas to EIU and Charleston. The only requirement is that members have 2.0 GPAs and an interest in modeling.
September 16, 2014
Students and Faculty at Eastern with a passion for fashion will get a chance to express themselves through fabrics and cloths in the created Registered Student Organization, Couture Modeling.
Couture Modeling focuses on the art of modeling as well as the encouragement and progress of all models that are involved.
Couture Modeling President, Devonte Dixon, a junior communications major, said he and his executive board plan to make their organization known, not only through fashion shows, but also through forums encouraging students to love themselves and build confidence.
Dixon said he and his executive board put emphasis on the actual presence and walk of their models. Dixon calls it “Model-ography,” and describes it as a mixture of modeling and dance.
Dixon said he believes the forums and workshops promoting confidence will help people who are shy or self-conscious reach their full potential.
“The prettiest girls are the most shallow when it comes to confidence,” Dixon said.
Aaliyah Gibbs, Couture Modeling liaison, said the modeling team is open to everyone who is interested in modeling.
“Couture modeling is for everyone; Faculty, African-American, Caucasian, Hispanic,” Gibbs said.
Dixon said part of his purpose of Couture Modeling is not to discriminate or exclude anyone from participating.
“We’re trying to be a diverse group we don’t want it to be singled out to a single ethnicity especially being in the Charleston community,” Dixon said.
Dixon said he got the idea to start Couture Modeling after a bad experience with another modeling agency he participated in at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville,
“They didn’t have any structure there,” he said.
It was not easy for him to get the idea started. Dixon said when he came to Eastern last year he did not know anyone therefore he did not have any support with making the RSO official. Dixon said other RSOs on campus such as Rhythm & X-tacy helped forming Couture Modeling.
There have been a couple other fashions and modeling RSO’s on campus such as Glamorous Ladies and Men and ENT. Dixon said he and the rest of the models plan to distinguish themselves from all other modeling teams with their uplifting spirits and their wardrobe selections.
Dixon emphasized how the new modeling team on campus has plans to invite up-and-coming boutique owners and clothing designers to allow models to show-off their designs.
Members of the modeling group like Adrianna Fullerton, a runway coach and former member of GLAM modeling, said she is looking forward to receiving styles and clothes from boutiques and designers. In addition, Fullerton said she feels like she is a part of a family with this new modeling group.
“It’s like you’re actually modeling we don’t have to wear clothes out our closet. It’s more of a close nit family setting as well,” she said.
Jamila Nelson, vice president agreed with Fullerton. She said the modeling team is definitely a peaceful environment and being around this environment helped her with her attitude problems.
“I had a bad ass attitude, but they helped with that,” she added.
Marcus Curtis can be reached at 581-2812 or