CAA receives input on mathematics programs

Debby Hernandez, Administration Editor

The Council on Academic Affairs heard an update about the mathematics bachelor’s of arts and bachelor’s of science programs.

The mathematics program consists of three paths, which are teacher licensure, pure mathematics, and applied mathematics.

Mathematics and computer science is a separate program offered by the department.

Peter Andrews, the mathematics department chair, said enrollment decline caused a decrease in teacher licensure.

“The biggest hit has been in the teaching certification; we are just about 30 percent down of our average,” he said. “The other two majors are only marginally down from average.”

Meanwhile computer science had been stable until recent years in which it has experienced increases.

“We are up to the highest total enrollment of computer science that we have had and certainly during this review period,” Andrews said.

However, overall enrollment outcomes were favorable in the programs.

“Our current 10th day enrollment for all majors is 25 percent above our average,” he said.

Andrews said job projections are good for majors within both programs.

“Secondary teaching is supposed to be below average in job growth but not math and science,” Andrews said.

According to the mathematics and computer science program review, only two institutions in the state offer this program, but Eastern’s program is the only one that requires an internship.

Andrews said internships offered within the program are paid.

The program review also states that most students who interned at large corporations received job offers upon graduation.

Faculty changes have impacted the mathematics program.

“We lost 10 tenure people in the last three years; on the other hand we replaced five others,” he said.

Andrews said the new faculty members are good additions to the programs.

“I think the newer staff is more familiar with and in tune to undergraduate research,” he said.

As for the computer science program, faculty numbers have stayed stable, Andrews said.

“The computer science staffing has been exactly the same over this period and they are very good,” he said. “We have three people all with PHDs in computer science.”


Debby Hernandez can be reached at 581-2812 or