RHA elects next school year executive board

The Residence Hall Association elected their executive board, including the RHA president, vice president, national-Illinois communications coordinator, secretary and treasurer position.

Christina Lauff, the current national-Illinois communications coordinator, was voted in as the next school year’s RHA president.

She said she would plan to help make ROCFest bigger by promoting early in order for those on campus to know what is happening.

She would also work on RHA representative retention for the spring semester as well as the fall semester.

“We kind of die out during the November, February area,” Lauff said.

To do this, she said she would heavily support Kadie Peterson’s plan to have RHA sponsor a team for Relay for Life, a non-profit organization who raises money for cancer through relay events across the country, annually.

Peterson, who is an Andrews Hall representative, will expectedly be able to fulfill her plans, as she will be the next vice president.

Peterson said her plans to make this annual might affect other RHA run events, but it is unclear at this time. She said she would work with the committees to ensure everyone has fair opportunity to plan an event.

Jordan Sullivan, the Weller Hall vice president, was elected to become the national-Illinois communications coordinator. As the conference coordinator, he said he would try to improve attendance from RHA members to the conferences and bring more awards from the conferences to make sure Eastern was on everyone’s map.

“When you think of Illinois, Eastern is never brought up,” Sullivan said.

He wants to make sure people know about Eastern.

Jack Cruikshank, a Thomas Hall representative, was elected to the secretary position. Cruikshank said he believed his experience at The Daily Eastern News gave him a leg up on his competitors.

As of now, Cruikshank said he has no concrete plans for his position but he would be prepared for the duties that come with it.

Kyle Anderson, a Ford Hall representative, was elected to become RHA treasurer for the next school year. He said he was not worried about representatives voting “no confidence” because he confident in his abilities and their ability to see that.

While he would make sure to maintain the budget, Anderson said he would like to add more responsibilities. He said he will be encouraging community service work as it is what he is passionate about.

He said he wanted change the mindset that the treasurer only handles money and expand the duties of the treasurer.

They will be inaugurated at the RHA banquet May 1. The RHA will meet again at 5 p.m. Thursday in McKinney Hall.

Jarad Jarmon can be reached at 581-2812 or jsjarmon@eiu.edu.