RHA nominates executive board candidates

The Residence Hall Association nominated the candidates for the executive board positions for the next school year.

The positions up for election include the presidency, the vice presidency, the nation and Illinois communications coordinator, the secretary and the treasurer position.

Mathew Wilkie, a Weller Hall representative, and Christina Lauff, the current national and Illinois communication coordinator, are running for the presidency.

Wilkie said he hopes to get a school-wide talent show for next year.

Kadie Peterson, an Andrews Hall representative, Gabriela Miranda, the McKinney Hall president, and Jack Cruikshank, a Thomas Hall representative, were nominated for the vice presidency.

While none of the candidates had any specific goals as of now, they all still wanted to be involved in the executive board.

Peterson said she wants to be able to overlook all of the committees and provide ideas for all of them instead of focusing on just one.

Miranda and Cruikshank both said they want to be in at least one position on the executive board.

Miranda and Cruikshank are also nominated to become the national and Illinois communications coordinator along with Jordan Sullivan, the Weller President.

Cruikshank said he is leaning towards this position so he can represent Eastern on a national scale.

Cruikshank and Peterson are also nominated for RHA Secretary along with Alex Salem, a health studies major and Thalia Fredrick, a Pemberton Hall representative.

Salem said while she is not officially a part of RHA she has gone to many of the meetings and “loves” to see what the organization is doing and she hopes to have bigger role in the RHA.

Laura Imbirowicz, an RHA advisor, said they can only be elected to one position.

“If there is a position that is lower than the highest position they are running for, then they can withdraw,” Imbirowicz said.

Kyle Anderson, a Ford representative, is running for the treasurer position unopposed. Despite the lack of competition, Anderson is still required to give a three-minute speech as well as state his platform and information about himself within three minutes like the other candidates for the other positions.

Imbirowicz said the RHA members can still vote “no confidence” if they feel he is unfit for the position.

Unlike last year’s election, most of the elections are contested with multiple candidates. They had even started the school year without a treasurer. Imbirowicz said she was happy with the people who applied but would have liked more.

“A lot have to choose between the (Resident Assistant) and RHA positions,” Imbirowicz said.

RHA will reconvene to elect their Fall 2014 to Spring 2015 executive board at 5 p.m. Thursday in Lawson Hall.

Jarad Jarmon can be reached at 581-2812 or jsjarmon@eiu.edu.