Student Senate to review AB-approved budgets

Student Senate will be reviewing the FY2015 budgets for all of the Student Life programs funded through student fees, which were approved by the Apportionment Board Feb. 28.

The senate will be reviewing the AB approved budgets including the student government, the Student Recreation Center, the University Board and the Apportionment Board budget at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Arcola-Tuscola Room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

AB was allotted $500,000 to appropriate to the various groups, but the total of the each of the proposed budgets was only $498,918 leaving $1,082 to be allocated into the emergency AB fund.

Student Senate Speaker Brandon Goodman said while there probably will not be much debate over the budgets; the UB’s budget might be controversial especially with them being the only group to ask for an increase.

Much of the increase is because of a $9,450 in the Ideas and Issues line item. This is to pay for Nev Schulman, the host of “Catfish,” a TV show about exposing online dating falsities, to come speak at Eastern.

Jarad Jarmon can be reached at 581-2812 or