Protocol in place in case of school cancelation

In order for classes to be canceled because of inclement weather, steps need to be taken and a protocol followed before anything happens.

The protocol is detailed on the Eastern website under the “Inclement Weather Class Cancellation Protocols,” which was last updated in 2004.

Blair Lord, the provost and vice president for academic affairs, said the Eastern website is the primary method of relaying information about class statuses, however other outlets are used.

“Our website is the primary means of communication, but we have a list of radio and TV stations that are notified,” he said. “Because the stations will only run cancelations, you will never hear them state that EIU is ‘Open.’”

Lord, who is the primary official involved, said he also consults with others on when classes need to be canceled because of weather.

He evaluates the current weather conditions, including icing conditions and the accumulation of four or more inches of snow, according to the protocol. Along with the conditions, the predicted weather conditions that affect icing conditions with snow accumulation are taken into account.

Factors such as Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois State Police issuing weather advisories and road closures are also evaluated, along with if there is contact from utility providers.

Lord also consults with President Bill Perry in deciding if school will close. Lord needs to contact Perry no later than 4 a.m., according to the protocol.

However, the decision to cancel class can come during the previous day.

Circumstances such as hazardous icing conditions or approximately four inches of accumulated snow or other weather conditions of imminent hazard to student and employee health and safety are taken into account. Along with those circumstances, if Illinois Route 16 between Charleston and Mattoon closes, it is also taken into account.

According to the protocol, faculty members are encouraged not to penalize students for missing class because of inclement weather. It also states that students should discuss their absence with their professors.

Bob Galuski can be reached at 581-2812 or