Column: Take full advantage of long weekend

Let’s take a long moment to really consider how lucky we are to have this upcoming three-day weekend.

Yes, I know it was “syllabus week” and maybe not a lot happened, but even if it didn’t, this is still a good time to look at those documents the professors handed out.

Yes, they probably handed out papers detailing what their classes entail. Yes, you did get one, check your backpack again.

With this three-day weekend coming up, it would not be the end of the world if students, you know, actually got ahead of the game and thought ahead to the coming weeks.

I know for me, my weeks are going to be hectic with work and school and everything in between. So I’m going to take full advantage of this weekend and make sure I know what homework and studying I might have to do.

Let’s face it: quizzes, tests, essays, they all come at us extremely quickly in the opening days of the semester.

This is a three-day weekend, yes, but it should not be just about sleeping, although I know I’ll be sleeping in.

It should not be about just relaxing, although I know I’ll be sitting on my couch for a portion of it watching bad movies on Netflix.

But really, I think what I’ll also be doing is looking at those mythological pieces of paper, the ones that I normally don’t think about until test days.

I’ll be thinking ahead, getting caught up on any homework or studying I might have to accomplish.

So should you.

Think ahead to the future and remember that not all long weekends are meant for doing absolutely nothing but waiting for school to start up again.

This could be a real blessing academic wise, so make sure it’s not squandered. We only get so many breaks per semester. It’s never a bad idea to think ahead.