Cartoon: Delusional

The Charleston Police Department is continuing its investigation of a shooting that occurred Saturday morning at the Penalty Box, 1419 Fourth St.

The CPD sent out a second press release hoping to identify a person of interest.

Though the press release said the man is not a suspect currently, they are seeking to identify him.

The photos of the person of interest show a man dancing at Penalty Box dressed in an orange and white shirt and a Chicago Bears hat.

The photos can be found on the CPD Facebook page, and the CPD encourages anyone with information to message them through their page or contact them at 217-345-8422.

After hearing of the shooting, students had mixed reactions.

Alyssa Pacini, a senior kinesiology and sport studies major, said though she feels safe on campus, being off campus is another story.

“Events like (the shooting) make me nervous for weekends out in Charleston,” she said. “It makes me kind of not want to go to the bars.”

Brooke Hurley, a senior communication studies major, said the shooting did not concern her too much.

“I’m not worried about being on campus or places near campus,” she said.

Kyle Heinz, a freshman applied engineering and technology major, said he had been at the Penalty Box 20 minutes before the incident occurred.

“I still feel safe when I go out,” he said.

TiAndrea Terry, a senior sociology major, said she found the shooting and its proximity to campus a surprise.

“Yeah, it’s shocking, but in the end, violence could happen anywhere,” she said. “Students should really learn to be aware of their surroundings, and it’ll help prevent situations like this.”

Morgan Sternal, a senior family and consumer sciences major, said her concerns are with the alert system and consequences of crimes committed.

“We get updated with emails and texts, but what happens to the people that get in trouble?” she said.

Sternal said she thinks if police notified students of the repercussions of the crimes that had been committed, crime might decrease.

“People need to learn the consequences, and if the students know they’ll get in trouble when stuff like this happens, crime could go down,” she said.

More updates on this investigation will be available as the CPD continues its investigation.

Robyn Dexter can be reached at 581-2812 or