Editorial Cartoon: Political wishlist

President Bill Perry and the four vice presidents spoke to Faculty Senate Tuesday about their concerns with enrollment and the budget, resolutions made about Chick-fil-A, and recent legislation regarding professors’ pensions.

Perry said he will present a response to the Faculty Senate about their three resolutions relating to Chick-fil-A by the last week of November.

“Overall, I’d say the three resolutions look sensible,” he said. “I just need to put together an analysis to respond adequately.”

Perry said the three meetings of debate in Faculty Senate proved the depth and importance of the issue.

William Weber, the vice president for business affairs, discussed state funding.

He said while funding issues are continuing, there is still noticeable improvement.

He said although the state owes Eastern between $11-12 million for this fiscal year, that number was much higher last year at $20-21 million.

Members of Faculty Senate expressed their concerns of the effects of current Illinois legislature proposing changes to professor’s pensions.

Chairman Andrew Methvan said current legislation is suggesting a shift in the contribution of pensions from the state to the schools’ budgets.

Perry said this change caused many faculty to retire last year because they feared they would loose benefits if they waited.

Perry said he feels confident in the recent strategic enrollment plan.

He said the number of prospective students attending open houses has increased from 400 to 500, and there are currently 5,000 students using the Eastern portal website versus only 1,500 at this time last year.

Dan Nadler, the vice president for student affairs, said students surpassed the goal for combined community service with 110,000 hours, making the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll.

He also said student government exceeded its goal by registering more than 2,000 students to vote.

Martin also talked about the alumni honored during homecoming weekend, including seven distinguished alums and various service awards.

He said it is important to keep alumni constantly active in the university.

Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or samarkham@eiu.edu.