Editorial Cartoon: It’s probably all of that stress eating

Lakeview College of Nursing recently began the second phase of construction to expand its Charleston campus, located at 580 W. Lincoln Ave.

Amy McFadden, the coordinator of recruitment and marketing, said the college tore up asphalt and began leveling ground in the beginning of August to make space for a new classroom, resource room and a new nursing skills lab.

Lakeview began the first phase of construction last summer, which included adding  new restrooms, establishing a new main office and renovating a classroom to double as a computer lab.

McFadden said the current phase of expansion is necessary to accommodate rapidly growing enrollment.

Enrollment has grown from 10 students in Fall 2001, when the campus first opened, to 157 students for Fall 2012, she said.

“That’s pretty dramatic growth over the years,” McFadden said. “With our enrollment growing the way that it has, there certainly became a need for more space.” 

The expansion will greatly relieve the demands placed on classrooms and improve students’ experiences, McFadden said.

“We are always trying to make sure that we have the appropriate resources to meet the growing needs of our enrollment,” she said.

To date, Lakeview has received about $766,000 of $1.2 million that is expected from the state as part of a grant through the Illinois Board of Higher Education in cooperation with the Illinois Independent Colleges Capital Improvement. 

Lakeview has contributed $600,000 to the construction, which is estimated to cost $1.6 million, said Lakeview CEO Dick Shockey.

Lakeview offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and has a partnership with Eastern to accept students who have earned 60 credit hours and completed general education and prerequisite courses.


Tim Deters can 

be reached at 581-2812 

or tadeters@eiu.edu.