RHA donates to TOMS program

The Residence Hall Association passed a motion donating $50 to the Lawson Hall’s TOMS program, which is in support of TOMS shoes during its meeting on Thursday.

The program will focus on a One Day Without Shoes day, where people will not wear shoes to show that children go without shoes everyday.

Elizabeth M. Burbatt, a sophomore sociology major, said the event will also consist of decorating TOMS shoes by students who have ordered a pair.

The vote was unanimous as every hall council representative approved the motion.

Burbatt said the program organized by Lawson Hall, was asking for any donations from RHA members.

Burbatt said that Lawson Hall and the National Residence Hall Association Honorary have each donated $50.

Jake Nees, president of RHA, said that according to the RHA constitution, they were allowed to donate up to one third of the association’s available funds.

The event associated with TOMS, will be on Tuesday at the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Roberto Luna, a student senate member and a senior finance major, was a guest speaker at the meeting and discussed new legislation for the Student Senate.

Luna is sponsoring new legislation that would require a “no confidence” option on the ballot for student elections.

Students brought up that many positions had been unopposed during the elections and that they were troubled by this fact, Luna said.

“The proposed option is good a thing to have,” Luna said. “If two thirds of the voters choose this option in an election then there would have to be another election and hopefully by then there would be new candidates.”

Luna said that he wants there to be a higher number of participants in the next election.

He asked for a show of hands on who supported this new idea and the majority of RHA members agreed with Luna’s new policy.

Luna said he hopes the new legislation is passed and amended into the student body constitution.

A special announcement was also made at the end of the meeting, as Lawson and Taylor Hall have joined together in organizing a fashion show.

The fashion show titled, “We Were All Born Superstars”, will be hosted on Tuesday, April 24 on the South Quad.

The fashion show will be free to attend and anyone interested in modeling for the show should contact a representative from either Taylor Hall or Lawson Hall council.

Aldo Soto can be reached at 581-2812 or asoto2@eiu.edu