Cartoon: Look both ways

I’d like to comment on the opinion of Lane Kirby concerning the Chick-fil-A restaurant on campus. I am sorry that he doesn’t agree with the way they spend their profits. I happen to like their chicken and all of the items that I’ve eaten at their restaurant. Why is it that because of their belief of the gay lifestyle that offends him that they should be kicked off campus? Several others (including one who is a vegetarian) who not only disagrees with him also enjoy their food.

I recently found out the type of car that I drive is sympathetic towards gays. I won’t tell people not to patronize their products but when I trade next I won’t buy a car from that company. The way liberals look at things, anything they don’t like they would also ask that you would agree with them and boycott that company. Well grow up Mr. Kirby and act your age and quit pouting when you don’t get your way. I hope Chick- fil-A stays on EIU campus. Did you also realize that they are closed on Sundays so their employees may attend church if they so choose? That’s a good way to spend your Sundays.

Tom Royal
