Comedy show entertains variety of students
Written to include comedy on topics that anyone can relate with, Operation Comedy presented a show that could appeal to many different types of people Saturday.
Four comedians entertained the audience: Jon Stites, the founder of Operation Comedy; Jeff Oskay, a writer for the “Bob and Tom Show”; Troy Davis, a comedian who as often appeared on “Comcast”; and Nick Anthony, who performed on “Last Comic Standing for two season.
Stites said they can present free shows because Cellular One funds their shows, so Operation Comedy can raise money to help homeless veterans, as well as give them a chance to laugh and feel normal.
Stites said he started Operation Comedy to help raise awareness and money about the struggles of homeless veterans in society.
“I felt like when we send veterans over to combat, there is always a bunch of pageantry and support from the community, but when they come back, they’re not always whole,” Stites said. “Just because they are not missing a limb or something you can see, they are suffering and having a hard time integrating back into society.”
Stites said he wants to let the community know about the struggles veterans face and wanted to put together a show that is pro-veteran, not pro-military or parties.
“We welcome veterans from all over the spectrum,” Stites said. “We don’t care when you serve, whether it’s Vietnam or Afghanistan, whether your 22 or 75; you can come out to one of our shows, you will find something and we will make you laugh.”
Stites said the mission of Operation Comedy is to unite veterans and their communities through education, recognition and laughter and he felt they achieved that at the show.
Stites said Michael Ruybal, the veterans coordinator for Eastern, showed that Eastern was very supportive of the troops.
“That made me glad and made this market attractive to me,” Stites said. “I wanted to know that we were working with a place that supported these men and women.”
While the show was free, people were asked to donate money to help homeless veterans.
Stites said they raised $1,100 for the Illiana VA’s Homeless Veteran Program.
Jennifer Gerrib, the G&PD Liaison/ Homeless Veteran Program Coordinator, said she has seen Operation Comedy many times and enjoys the program a lot and was happy with the turnout.
“Communities opened arms and hearts to us, and it’s amazing,” Gerrib said.
Gerrib said any veterans who need help or have questions can call the help hotline at 1-877-424- 3838.
Jen Antkowiak, a freshman biology major, said she was happy with the show and thought it was a great cause.
“I always see guys on the street and it breaks my heart,” Antkowiak said. “It’s a good way to lighten up the subject but still talk about it.”
Stites said he felt the show did its job by giving veterans and the community a chance to connect.
Stites said his show does stuff for veterans with out strings attached. He also said that many times programs will do things for veterans, but ask something in return.
“The best way to honor veterans is to put on a dynamite show, invite them out for free with no strings attached,” Stites said. “Just let them come out, have a great time, laugh, and just feel normal for a night.”
Samantha McDaniel can be reached at 581-2812 or