Perry is pumped

President Bill Perry plans to interact with family members of students as more than 2,000 extra people flood Eastern during Family Weekend.

“I like having a parade of families on campus and being able to meet the families of students,” Perry said. “That is always a great part of Family Weekend to get to know more people.”

He said some of the highlights of Family Weekend he is looking forward to include going to the opening of the Renewable Energy Center, cheering at the football game, seeing Chicago in concert and going to the Parents Club reception.

“It looks like the weather is going to be great, and I am looking forward to getting around,” Perry said. “Usually there are a lot of picnics out and around between O’Brien Stadium and the Facilities, Planning and Management building so I’ll walk through just to visit with people.”

During tailgating for the football game, there will be the President’s Tent and family members are welcome to stop by, Perry said.

“It is fairly far into the semester and it is always a good thing to have your family around you to reconnect, especially if you haven’t been back home yet,” Perry said. “Also, when families come down they might bring some home cooking with them, and it will be a great time to be together.”

Rachel Rodgers can be reached at 581-7942 or