Student Senate meeting today

The first Student Senate meeting of the semester will be an introduction to how the tone and expectations will be set this semester, said Mary Lane, the student vice president for business affairs.

The meeting is at 7 p.m. today in the Arcola/Tuscola Room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Student Senate Speaker Zach Samples said since they do not have a full senate because they are missing 10 Student Senate members, there will not be any proposals to go over during the meeting.

“There will be some appointments made to different university committees, but that will be the extent of business during the meeting,” Samples said. “The rest of the meeting will be used mainly to allow applying senators to observe how our meetings work.”

Samples said there will also be reports describing the purpose of each Student Senate committee.

Aseret Gonzalez, the student vice president for academic affairs, said they will be laying out what is expected to go on in student government for the rest of the semester.

“I am looking forward to see how senators develop their skills in the student government and what their fresh ideas are,” Gonzalez said.

Lane said she expects the meeting to be relatively short but it will be an opportunity to start shaping everyone’s goals.

“I am determined that, even though we will face obstacles, we will start off the year right,” Lane said.

Rachel Rodgers can be reached at 581-2812 or