Student Senate to fill 10 vacant seats

The student government has 10 vacant Student Senate openings to fill this semester, which makes up one third of its members.

Student Senate Speaker Zach Samples, a sophomore history major with teacher certification, said several reasons could explain why there are so many open positions.

“The reason why we have so many open senate seats is probably because we had a lot of seniors graduate and also senators who have been involved in senate for years are now pursuing other aspects of campus involvement,” Samples said.

Student Body President Ed Hotwagner said he was very surprised to have so many openings.

“Student government may not be as fun as some other organizations, but it is an organization that makes a huge impact on the university and can make a huge difference on the campus,” said Hotwagner, a senior mathematics major.

Samples said members of the student government have strategies in place for recruiting new student senators like putting a postcard in everyone’s mailbox on campus containing upcoming events and how to apply for an open spot.

Those interested in applying for the open Student Senate seats can find applications in the Student Activities Center in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Applications are available until Aug. 29 and must be turned in no later than 4:30 p.m.

“The important thing about senate is that we serve the students and I would like to see applicants who are going to be outgoing enough to go up and talk to students or approach administrative staff,” Hotwagner said. “It is a lot better to have people who are going to step up and take action.”

Requirements to be a Student Senate member include having a minimum grade point average of 2.3, be able to complete a minimum of two office hours each week, attend all of the student government weekly Wednesday meetings and be able to serve on a Student Senate committee.

Samples said he will also be looking for students who are involved in other aspects of campus leadership, who can organize a busy schedule and still devote the time necessary to academics, a social life and to their student government responsibilities.

“I’m looking for people who really care about Eastern, who are really happy to be a part of this university and who are proud of Eastern Illinois University,” Samples said. “I feel that if you don’t love your institution then why would you serve it?”

Rachel Rodgers can be reached at 581-2812 or