Student Senate to change bylaws

Student senate will discuss a bylaw change to the approval process of the Apportionment Board today at their first meeting of the semester.

The bylaw is to change how student government may ask for money and the process by which the senate approves the allocation.

Ashley Hoogstraten, vice president for Business Affairs, said the bylaw is to formally put in writing what the senate has already been doing.

“It gives the Student Government more checks and balances,” Hoogstraten said.

The bylaw states that there would need to either be a majority vote in the senate or a majority approval from the Council of Chairs and the executive board.

“You kind of have to get everyone’s approval,” Hoogstraten said.

Also, on the agenda is a $154 approval for Pantherpalooza. This money is to go for raffle prizes, popcorn and balloons for the event.

Dan Rolando, vice president for Student Affairs, said this event is like the one that is during the first week of school, but is the first one that has been in the spring.

“It’s especially good for transfers because it is the first time they see it,” Rolando said.

The event showcases different Registered Student Organizations on campus as well as many other groups.

Rolando said there will be new RSOs there that were not there in the fall.

“It’s hopefully a new annual event,” he said.

Rolando said Student Government worked with University Board in order to host the event as UB was in charge of advertising and Student Government was in charge of planning the event as well as the set up.

Rolando said much of the “man-power” will come from Student Government, with some help from UB.

“I thought it was the best strengths of UB and Student Government,” Rolando said.

A $13,889 request from the UB is also on the agenda. Hoogstraten said the money is to go for special events such as the spring fling and seven other events that will happen during the spring semester.

A fourth item to be discussed is a $4,318 request for the Conference on Student Government Associations, in which Student Government sends delegates to. The request is to go for airfare, room and board for the delegates, and transportation to and from the airport.

Jarrod Scherle, speaker of the senate, hopes that this meeting is the first of many great meetings throughout the semester.

“I think it’s going to be a good semester,” he said.

Scherle hopes to “win back” the student body and unite the senate.

“We have a little ways to go with not taking things personal,” Scherle said.

The deadline to be a senator is today. Interviews will take place within the next week. The senators should be chosen on by Jan. 25 and sworn into the senate on Jan 26.

There will also be the Student Senate orientation on Jan. 29 to help train the senators about the expectations concerning student government.

Schelre said this is “the best or one of the best” they have had.

Student Government will meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Arcola/ Tuscola room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Courtney Bruner can be reached at 581-2812 or