‘EIU Blue Goes Green’ event surpasses last year’s success
Volunteers gathered in the Library Quad to promote recycling for Wednesday’s “EIU Blue Goes Green” Homecoming event. Students collected certain types of plastics, aluminum, cardboard and paper products to recycle.
The recycling event soared past last year’s success by collecting a total of 6.31 tons of recyclable materials. The original goal for this year of three tons was doubled from last year.
“We are donating 10 trees for every ton, so 60 trees will be donated for Charleston by the Department of Community Services on Panther Service Day in April,” Tiffany Leschke, a graduate adviser for the student life department said.
Last year 2.5 tons of recyclable materials were collected. As a result of this success 10 trees were planted around the campus and community.
“I am proud to say that compared to last year we have certainly surpassed our goal,” said Kendall Jackson, the homecoming chairman.
Residence halls, Registered Student Organizations and Greek organizations compete for points during certain Homecoming events. Different sororities and fraternities also pair up to form a team. Based on the total points accumulated from all of the Homecoming events, the winning team is rewarded with a trophy.
For the past two years, Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma Phi Epsilon have won the trophy. Alpha Gam and Sig Ep donated the most recyclable material for the “EIU Blue Goes Green” event with a total of 7,828.5 pounds of material. Alpha Gam and Sig Ep are hoping to continue winning events, so they can take home the trophy.
This year Alpha Gam and Sig Ep won again by collecting a dumpster full of recyclable material. Once the dumpster was full they started to collect recyclable items in the garage of their off campus apartment. Alpha Gam and Sig Ep had a strategy of collecting mostly cardboard, because it weighs the most. They also collected items three weeks in advance to try to secure their win for the “EIU Blue Goes Green” event.
“I think my house in general strives to do really well in being involved and making our name known,” said Jenn Ponstein, a junior hospitality management major and a member of Alpha Gam.
Ponstein said she feels “EIU Blue Goes Green” is a great way for her sorority to become involved with the entire Eastern community instead of just the Greek community.
After all the recyclable materials are weighed and the points are calculated, the material is sent off to the office of energy and sustainability.
Ryan Sigel, the energy and sustainability coordinator will arrange all the material to go to its designated recycling centers. The aluminum and plastic materials will go to Veolia Environmental Services in Charleston. The paper and cardboard will go to a different facility located in Mattoon.
Sigel believes students should do their part in recycling because the university and its students benefit from it.
“The primary goal of recycling is to save in natural resources and provide economic return back to campus,” Sigel said.
Last year the university saved $15,000 alone by recycling and avoiding the cost of dumping university trash into land fills, according to Sigel.
Leschke said she believes there is a bigger reason for students to devote more time to recycling.
“Students should (recycle) because we need to make it aware that recycling is very important for our environment,” Leschke said.
Desiree Morris can be reached at 581-7942 or < ahref="mailto:dnmorris2@eiu.edu."> dnmorris2@eiu.edu.
‘EIU Blue Goes Green’ event surpasses last year’s success

Homecoming prince Jonathan Boudreau, a sophomore sociology major, carries a bag of recyclables to a pile during ‘EIU Blue Goes Green.(Jordan Boner