Many students do not know that the student government meets every Wednesday at 7p.m. in the Arcola-Tuscola room of the Martin Luther King Jr., University Union, which is a problem since the senate still has nine seats to fill.
“I got a little information about them at First Night, but after that I had no idea of how to get involved,” said Meghan Garby, a freshman special education and elementary education major.
To get students involved on campus, Aaron Wiessing, student executive vice president said the senate holds an open forum that students can attend for more information.
Despite these forums, students still are not getting the information about student government. The students are unaware of what takes place at these meetings and what they can do at the meetings.
Mary Lane, a sophomore athletic training major said, “I think people (the students) don’t come to the meetings, because they don’t know that they have a chance to talk at the start of the meeting.”
However, the executive board is looking at ways to increase attendance and information about student government.
“We are currently trying to hire a webmaster and a graphic designer for our website. I think that will help the student body understand student government better,” Lane said.
Many students agree with the idea of needing more publicity about the meetings.
“They need more advertisement, maybe some posters in the dorms,” said David Castillo, a freshman undecided major.
Chelsea Allard, a senior finance major, suggested alternative forms of advertising.
“What really catches my attention is all the sidewalk chalk. I think that would help,” Allard said.
However, many hall council meetings have higher attendances.
At Carman Hall’s first hall council meeting of the year, 97 people attended the meeting, which included the elected members and people who just wanted to help.
“Free food is the best way to get a college student to show up,” said Brittni Craft, the president of Carman Hall’s council.
On top of the events they host, the hall council networks with all resident assistant’s and makes sure they inform their floors about on-going events.
“I felt like hall council would be a good way to get involved and a great leadership opportunity, both of which are very important to me,” said Sarah Porter-Liddell, a freshman English education major.
Kaylia Eskew can be reached at
581-7942 or