Hall flooding dismissed

Although many residence halls have been renovated around campus this summer, McKinney Hall’s leak problem continues to be dismissed for other repairs.

Resident Assistant Austin Cripe said McKinney Hall is one of the only residence halls that is slowly getting worse and has been depreciating for over 20 years.

He said the outer wall on the back facing Fourth Street is where the leak in the basement comes from.

Cripe added students have not reported any water leaking into the rooms, but water has been spotted in the stairwells.

Cripe also said the basement flooded so bad once this summer that it had to be closed for a while to be cleaned.

“The water was starting to run pretty far and there was about a quarter of an inch high,” he said.

Cripe said while the janitors dried the flooding in the basement students had to do laundry in Weller Hall or Ford hall.

“We’ve run into a problem where tours came through but we cleaned it up pretty quickly,” he said.

Cripe said McKinney also encountered more damages to the murals on the walls and also on the legs of a pool table in the basement.

He said McKinney Hall does not seem like it will be fixed anytime soon.

Cripe said repairs will probably have to be put off until next summer.

Sandy Ibbotson, secretary of the triad, said repairs should be made soon.

She said McKinney has experienced a little bit of flooding but something needs to be done.

Harrison Bueno can be reached at 581-7942 or at hbueno@eiu.edu