ITS seeks to fill position

Informational Technology Services on campus have a vacancy for the assistant vice president position due to the previous employee having been reassigned to another position.

Chat Chatterji, the previous assistant vice president, will now be teaching off campus for the university through the College of Continuing Education.

Bill Weber, vice president for business affairs, said it was a mutual decision for Chatterji’s reassignment, as Chatterji was ready to move onto other interests.

“He agreed to stay here for five to seven years,” Weber said. “He is now in his eighth year.”

Weber hopes to be able to find an internal employee to fill in as interim for the position until a permanent replacement can be found. They hope to have a permanent vice president by July 1, 2011.

“We want someone that has a strong knowledge base, not just IT in general, but also ITS and its employees,” Weber said.

Weber said they want someone who can enhance the customer service aspect of ITS, and enhance cooperation between ITS and other units on campus, such at the Center for Academic Technology Support.

“We want someone who will have a strong technical plan so we know where we are going,” Weber said.

The search for the position will start through applications within the university.

Those wishing to submit an application can refer to the university newsletter for more information.

Weber wants feedback from the university community once the applicants have been announced. He will then make the final decision.

The position will remain open throughout the month, but Weber hopes to have an interim soon, as it is important for the position to be filled.

“We want someone with the vision to lead the unit,” Weber said.

Courtney Bruner can be reached at

581-7492 or at