Special session needed to discuss revisions
At Wednesday’s Student Senate meeting, Student Body President Michelle Murphy requested a special senate session to be held at 8 p.m. Nov. 2 to further discuss constitutional revisions.
Murphy hopes to address concerns and allow the senators extra time to study the document before voting on revisions at the open forum on Nov. 4.
The Student Senate also voted in favor of allocating funds from the Student Relations Committee budget toward purchasing the refreshments and advertising needed for the forum.
Mark Olendzki, student vice president for student affairs, asked for $115 from the fund to purchase food through Panther Catering, as well as $128 to print 150 fliers from Copy Express to promote the event.
Michael Stopka, chair of the Shuttle Bus Committee, supported printing fewer posters in order to save money and motioned to divide the question into two separate line-items, one for food and one for fliers.
“I think there’s room to trim down,” Stopka said.
The proposal to dedicate these funds was deemed as “emergency legislation” by Student Senate Speaker Tiffany Turner, and both requests were ultimately approved.
Turner announced that two of the four members needed to comprise the Elections Commission have been decided. The remaining two will be declared by the first week of November.
Those appointed to the commission will be responsible for disqualifying candidates who violate campaign rules before the elections on Dec. 7 and 8.
Similarly, Murphy announced that the interview process for appointing Student Supreme Court justices is nearly complete. Murphy has to choose three applicants from a pool of seven and hopes to see their names on next week’s consent agenda for approval.
In other news:
The Student Senate will hold its first Apportionment Board business meeting today at 7 p.m. in the Tuscola Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.
The Student Senate approved both the “Video Gamers of Eastern Illinois University” and the “EIU Fishing and Hunting Club” as Registered Student Organizations.
A meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Shelbyville Room of the Union for Student Senate members to discuss plans for organizing the next Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender open forum.
A survey regarding the senior seminar has been posted on Facebook, courtesy of Jennifer Prillaman, chair of the academic affairs committee.
And Sean Wyrobeck resigned from the Student Senate.
Erica Whelan can be reached at 581-7942 or elwhelan@eiu.edu.