Eastern expands Panther Express
Eastern recently expanded its shuttle service to include an additional stop at the University Apartments and four new shelters.
After observations and suggestions from the shuttle drivers, a stop was put on the south side of the apartments. The stop already on the north side of the apartments was moved from the W Lot and is now closer to the apartments.
The shuttle also makes stops at Greek Court, Andrews Hall, Coleman Hall, Pemberton Hall, McAfee Gymnasium, Martin Luther King Jr. University Union and Ninth Street Hall.
The four 5-by-10 shelters were built to accommodate students at Ninth Street, Greek Court and both University Apartment stops.
Each shelter cost approximately $6,715 for installation and materials.
The additional shelters constructed are identical to the one located to the northeast of the union.
“We have had the shelter at the Union stop for nearly a decade, and it has withstood the test of time and elements extremely well,” said Jenny Sipes, special assistant to the vice president for student affairs.
Each of the Panther Express stops are now either located at the front of a building entrance or have a shelter.
“We hope that they’ll provide some shelter in inclement weather,” Sipes said.
So far, these new stops made it more accessible for students to take the Panther Express.
“Its helped out, especially for a few people out here,” said shuttle driver Bob Zschau, as he drove past the University Apartments.
The expansions also contributed to more students taking the shuttle.
“I’ve already noticed more residents,” Zschau said.
One of those residents was first-time rider Alicia Bobak, a freshman biological sciences major.
“I do think the Panther Express bus is a great idea because it provides students without transportation to go to a variety of places,” Bobak said.
Without a car, the Panther Express provides transportation for students, like Kayla Napue, a special education major, to the places they can’t get to by foot.
“It’s definitely worth it if you don’t drive,” said Napue, while in route to the Wal-Mart stop.
Eastern began offering shuttle bus service for students in 2002, initially contracted with an outside company for service.
During the 2006 to 2008 school years, the university lost annually around $20,000 because operating costs exceeded revenue.
In 2008, the university chose to operate its own service in order to keep operating costs down. The shuttle service is paid for though as part of the student activity fees.
Eastern is now running it without losing any money, and because of this, the university was able to purchase the shelters and add another stop.
Sam Bohne can be reached at 581-7942 or at DENnewsdesk@gmail.com.
Eastern expands Panther Express
The shuttle bus service added new shelters to its route and added an extra stop by University Aprtments. (Graphic By Chris Lee/The Daily Eastern News)