ITS to reorganize positions
Dr. William Weber’s goal is to make sure Eastern is a comprehensive university, especially with integrating technological advances.
Weber, who became the new vice president for business affairs on July 1, has spent his first week speaking with Information Technology Services (ITS), President Perry and individuals conducting an analysis of ITS to make it the most up-to-date it can be. ITS will be restructured to make way for new technologies and the skills needed to use them.
“Information technology is rapidly changing,” said Weber. “(We are) taking a complete look at the organizational structure of ITS.”
The plan was in the research and analysis phase before Weber came to Eastern, and he is now in charge of approving the recommendations of Mihir “Chat” Chatterji, the assistant vice president of ITS, and Paul McCann, the treasurer and director of business services, who are conducting the analysis. Once Weber approves the plan, he will present it to President Perry for the final approval. Weber met with the ITS staff on Monday to explain the plan. He said the summarization took approximately 10 minutes, after which he took questions for another 30 minutes.
Weber said that the restructuring would trim positions that are no longer needed, like mainframe support, and create new positions in developing areas, such as web development.
Those who are in eliminated positions will be able to apply for newly created ones, and will be trained to use the new technologies.
“Anyone in an eliminated position is welcome to compete for any new positions created,” said Weber.
Weber also said that civil service rules allow “bumping,” or allowing people with seniority to move to a position they have previously served in. Those who qualify could possibly obtain a position outside of ITS.
Currently, there is not a specific target number of how many positions will be eliminated or how the budget will affect these eliminations or the creation of new jobs. Weber said that the current state of the Illinois budget would impact what plan goes forward, but that it is not a variable in the current analysis.
“President Perry has ambitious goals for the university, to be the best at integrating personal and academic activity of students,” said Weber. “The university can’t be excellent without excellent support services.”
The analysis should be complete by the end of this month, and Weber said that he hopes to have a plan to announce in early August.
Weber said it would take a few months for the plan to be implemented.
The reorganization will affect all areas of campus, especially the Center for Academic Technology Support (CATS) and Booth Library, who both work closely with ITS.
“The CATS staff works closely with the ITS staff on many technology-related projects that relate to campus-wide applications-eg., WebCT, Elluminate, wireless network, etc.,” said Dr. Michael Hoadley, the assistant vice president for academic affairs for technology.
CATS provides service to the campus in support of academic technology in classrooms, computer labs and other activities.
“Reorganizations like this are never easy,” said Weber. “But are an essential part of the goals President Perry established for us.”
Sarah Jean Bresnahan can be reached at 581-7936 or at