Camp New Hope loses $160,000 in budget cut
amp New Hope, Inc. will have to cut back after a $1.2 billion cut was made to the state budget.
$160,000 will be cut from Camp New Hope’s budget just in Mattoon.
Camp New Hope is a non-profit organization which hosts summer camps and respite for people of all ages with special needs.
Joe Hadley, a staff member, said the camp offers a time off for the families of people with special needs, since most of the campers require 24-hour help.
“The camp offers basics, just like any camp,” Hadley said. “Fishing, boating, we also have a day camp and a 24-hour camp, too.”
Governer Quinn’s budget was approved by 80% but within the 20% that hasn’t been approved was some of the funding for developmentally disabled programming.
“Camp New Hope is considered a leisure facility and all funding towards this type of organization,” Hadley said. “This has resulted in the future closing of CCAR and many respite centers.”
The camp will have one third of their budget cut and this will result in cutting staff or wages for the workers, Hadley said.
The other two thirds of their assets comes from other income besides the state.
Since this much of their funding is being cut, the organization will be forced to cut back on other expenses. This will include a cut in staff or pay for the staff.
Camp New Hope will now look at new forms of having funding come into the organization, such as fundraising.
Kayleigh Zyskowski can be reached at 581-7943 or at