UB, Student Government budgets approved

The University Board and Student Government’s adjusted budgets were approved at the Apportionment Board meeting Thursday.

During the 20-minute meeting, the UB and the Student Government represented their budgets for the fiscal year 2010.

Their original budget requests received cuts at the March 5 AB meeting.

Mike Usher, UB president, presented the adjusted budget for the UB.

The UB made adjustments in a few areas including movies, mainstage, Quakin’ in the Quad and cultural arts, with a total decrease of $4,613.

The largest cut was within the special events area alone, with a cut of $22,000.

“We usually get a big cut, and then we cut our spring programming for spring events because we don’t have an exact plan yet,” Usher said. “Later in the fall, we will have to come back as soon as we have a better number, and ask for additional allocations to meet the whole year.”

While Student Government also re-presented its budget, no Student Government representatives attended the meeting because the Student Government debate took place at the same time.

To make up for the absence, Drew Griffin, speaker of student senate, left a written statement with the AB members to explain the adjustments made.

“In order to make our budget stay within the parameters of the $46,092 allocated to Student Government, we made two very basic cuts involving (the Conference on Student Government Associations),” Griffin said.

Student Government’s cuts pertained to the travel accommodations for the students and the advisers attending the conference. This decreased its total budget by $4,643, which made the Student Government’s budget under the allocated number by $361.

The Student Government then added $211 to the supplies budget, which will help establish the Supreme Court.

An amount of $150 was also added to the Student Action Team.

With both organizations hitting their allocated amounts exactly, the budgets were unanimously approved.

Kayleigh Zyskowski can be reached at 581-7942 or at kzyskowski@eiu.edu.