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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Open mic allows students to express First Amendment

Adam Larck said if anyone wants to yell out obscenities about the government for five minutes, then they can do it.

“People can speak their mind if they want,” said Larck, a junior journalism major.

The Society for Collegiate Journalists will sponsor “Free Speech in Action: Express Yourself” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today in the South Quad in honor of Constitution Day Observance.

Students, faculty and community members will have a chance to speak into a microphone and say what is on their minds in the middle of the south quad.

Larck said this event is an honor to the U.S. Constitution.

“We do it because we want people to honor the Constitution and honor the freedom of speech we have taken for granted,” he said.

Larck said once a person steps up to the mic, others will follow and begin to express themselves.

“We just need someone to jump start it and start speaking,” he said.

Larck said he hopes this event will give students another way to see things.

“They can see about the results compared to what they already know,” he said.

James Tidwell, chair of the journalism department, said this event is the purest example of free speech.

“It’s a fundamental right we have, and this a chance to exercise this right,” he said.

Tidwell said this open mic could help encourage students to get active in the campaign and vote.

“Young people, they don’t vote,” he said. “If the students would register and be active, they could control this city.”

During this week, there will be various panels on political issues, and a chance for people to come and register to vote.

Richard Wandling, chair of the political science department, said this week is a great opportunity for students to think about the importance of the Constitution.

“It’s not an abstract document that is a matter of theory and concepts,” he said. “It has important implications for the quality of our lives.”

Wandling said he hopes students will participate in the various events during the observance of the Constitution this week.

“I hope they will leave with a appreciation for the importance of democracy,” he said. “Not taking for granting the basic rights and liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.”

Wandling said students of all major and minors should come to the various panels and listen to other students input.

“Students to hear what other students are thinking is very effective, and emphasizes that it does have relevance,” he said.

Wandling said he thinks the open mic is also great for students.

“It think it’s great,” he said. “The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and assembly.”

Sally Turner, associate professor of journalism and adviser to SCJ, said the open mic is a perfect way to practice the underlining ideas behind the First Amendment.

“I hope people will talk politics,” she said. “Even if someone can just say silly things.”

Turner said it is brave for someone to go up to the microphone and speak.

“It’s good for college students to be reminded they do have free speech,” she said.

Jessica Leggin can be reached at 581-7942 or at

Open mic allows students to express First Amendment

Open mic allows students to express First Amendment

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