How to save money at the movie theater

Scrounge for change around campus . Check residence hall’s couches, Booth Library and the Union. Do this for an hour each week and by the time you want to see your movie, enough change should be collected.

Find a date for the night and make them take you to a movie of their choice. Once in the theater, tell them you have to use the bathroom. Then, sneak off into the movie you really wanted to see.

Hit on the person selling the tickets. Schmooze them with compliments. If they’re flirty back, you may get a free show.

Bring food and drinks into the theater with you. Stuff as much as you can into your jacket, purse or muumuu.

Go to a thrift store and buy XXXL pants and a really big shirt. Sneak friends in with you…in the pants.

Eat before you go. You’ll be able to concentrate on the movie instead of the popcorn someone’s eating next to you. Also, your stomach won’t be a distraction through the good scenes.

Editor’s Note: “The Verge does not advocate illegal activity. This is for your entertainment only!”