AB hears budget proposals

Members heard budget proposals from Student Government and campus recreation at Thursday’s Apportionment Board meeting.

Co-Directors of Campus Recreation Kevin Linker and Sarah Daugherty made a request of $227,700. The request is $18,300 more than last year’s approval of $209,400.

The $18,300 increase is more than all budget changes since fiscal year 2006 combined. The fiscal year 2006 budget was $213,959.

“Just remember, 86 percent of this budget goes to student workers and the other 14 percent goes toward the actual Rec Center that is used by students,” Linker said.

An additional $10,000 is requested for increases in minimum wage for student workers. There are between 178 and 198 student workers employed at the Rec Center.

“We’re feeling the full impact of minimum wage, but yet another increase is coming on July 1,” Linker said.

The new minimum wage will be eight dollars per hour. Vendor fee increases will account for $2,500 of the proposed increase and the remaining $2,800 would buy two new treadmills and two new steppers.

The Student Government requested $53,452 for fiscal year 2009 after receiving $45,163 this year.

Student Body President Cole Rogers and Student Senate Speaker Megan Ogulnick presented the request. Rogers said as of Thursday, approximately $9,000 still remains in the Student Government account.

The largest increase to the budget would be approximately $4,600 in tuition wavers for executive board members.

Over $25,000 would be used for the student body president and four vice presidents.

A $1,000 increase would pay a marking director and approximately $2,500 would fund four student teacher interaction events.

The budget proposals will be voted on in April.

At the start of the meeting there was not a quorum.

Member Drew McClarity and faculty representative Karen Gaines were called to the meeting to attain a quorum.

AB chairwoman Leah Pietraszewski received e-mails from McClarity and Patrick Lindstrom at about 5:30 pm notifying her of the absences.

Gaines, who arrived at 7:24, left the meeting directly after the Student Government computer proposal passed 6-0 with one abstention.

“She really wants to quit AB, but she doesn’t want to leave until a replacement can be found and the Faculty Senate has not found one yet,” Pietraszewski said. “She has other obligations at night and a family at home that she understandably wants to spend time with.”

Rick Kambic can be reached at 581-7942 or at rwkambic@eiu.edu.