Elections have only one contested seat
Staff Senate Candidates
Cay Kolling
Judith Konrad
Bradley Green
Greg Boyd
Paul D. Weber Sr.
AFSCME 981 Clerical/Tech
Adrienne Paladino
University Police
Phil Lang
Staff senate elections are today from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the University Bookstore Lounge in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.
There are five open positions with only one contested spot, said Kathy Cartwright, staff senate chair and assistant director of the union. Three candidates applied for the non-negotiated staff position while only one candidate applied for each of the other four positions.
“I had hoped we would have had more (candidates), definitely,” Cartwright said. “This year, there’s not much contest there so we might not get a good turnout.”
On average, about 150 staff members vote in the election, Cartwright said.
There are 16 members in the senate and most members are elected for two- to three-year terms.
The senate meets once a month to discuss issues relating to staff members. In the past, the senate has been involved in developing the campus smoking policy and initiating the sick bank program among staff.
“I encourage everyone to come out and vote,” Cartwright said. “This is a way for them to make sure they have a voice.”
The non-contested positions will represent negotiated facilities, AFSCME 981 BSW/FS, AFSCME 981 Clerical/Tech and University Police.