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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Krizic critical in Greek Week coordination

Nick Krizic wasn’t sure what to expect when he received the overall co-chair position in November for 2007 Greek Week.

Krizic, a business administration major, was in the Steering Committee last year with the Awards and Banquet Committee, but was recommended by peers and advisers to go for a higher position.

He attends about eight to nine meetings a week, not including other Greek events and meetings.

Starting Nov. 13, Krizic and other advisers interviewed 110 applicants to form committees.

The advisers spent 30 hours Monday through Wednesday interviewing potential committee members.

“We looked for well-developed leaders who would be the best people for the job,” he said. “Sometimes it can be overwhelming and we wanted people that can handle it all.”

Krizic works closely with Megan Dolan, the co-chair for National Panhellenic Council. She advises the 12 sub-committees and each individual chapter to ensure everyone is on the right track.

Dolan said she enjoys working with Krizic and has developed a close friendship with him throughout the years.

“He’s my best friend and we have a good working relationship,” she said. “It makes it really easy to work when you get along with someone so well.”

The overall co-chair helps chapters keep up with important events.

“There are so many dates and meetings, people get confused what’s due when,” Dolan said.

Being involved with the committee has helped develop good relationships with peers and become more open-minded, Dolan said.

“He’s a well-rounded person and one of the few people who listen to what everybody has to offer,” Dolan said. “He also knows when to have fun and work.”

Although Krizic is applying for the position of Interfraternity Council president next year, he thinks the experience has been extremely valuable and is grateful to have a partner.

“It has helped build delegation skills not setting things up alone, and built leadership, which will be beneficial in the future when I want to run for IFC president,” he said.

Mike Nowak, president of IFC, has worked closely with Krizic because he is vice-president of public relations.

“Nick is definitely organized. He’s excited about what he does and has a lot of interest in it. He is also a people person,” Nowak said.

Something Krizic can improve on if elected for president next year is gaining more knowledge about the community, he said.

“But it just comes with time,” Nowak said. “This year is a growing year. Nick has stepped up to be a leader on campus.”

Although the committees are running smoothly, there have been a few minor details that needed improvement. For instance, the committee is having a difficult time updating the Web site.

“There have been a few bumps in the road, but nothing major,” Krizic said.

Another minor bump in the road has been communication with committees. It can be sometimes difficult to keep everyone, especially new members, on the right track, he said.

“I’m interacting with such a broad group of people,” he said. “A different group of people I didn’t know before.”

Even though Krizic said he has benefited from having this opportunity, it can be difficult to keep up with academics with his busy schedule.

“It can sometimes be difficult to prioritize my time with so many things to do and then my schoolwork on top of that,” he said.

With so many events and meetings occurring, Krizic said he misses being a participant in Greek Week instead of monitoring the events.

“Airband was my favorite, it was a really fun night,” he said. “I don’t miss the practices for two to three hours each night, but on the day they perform I wish I could be up there.”

The Overall Co-Chairs positions help the Steering Committee follow a timeline of events.

However, some changes are being made in hope to improve Greek Week.

For instance, each fraternity and sorority will have a chapter barbecue the day of Airband for the alumni.

Some other changes include an alumni tugs event, a more structured collegiate bowl and a full community service day instead of a half-day.

Krizic critical in Greek Week coordination

Krizic critical in Greek Week coordination

IFC steering committee chair, Nick Krizic, junior business administration major, discusses Greek week with other members of the steering committee board at the IFC meeting on Tuesday evening at the Arcola/Tuscola Room in the University Union. (Jay Grabiec


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