V-Day a vital month

February is African American Heritage History Month.

Eastern has done multiple events to educate the student body, faculty and staff about the African American culture.

Eastern has done a good job of promoting and putting on events like banquets, speakers and illusionists.

However, Eastern has overlooked a different month that is of equal importance.


V-day is an over month long event that takes place from February 1 to March 8, which is International Women’s day.

Most V-day events take place on that other V-day: Valentines Day.

Last year Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Service put on a presentation of the Vagina Monologues.

Sure, it made some people uncomfortable.

I’m a woman and I still get red in the face when discussing certain issues.

However, angry vaginas do not happen to be one of them, especially if it can raise awareness for women and children who have been victimized.

(For those of you that do not know, one of the monologues in the play is from the viewpoint of an angry vagina).

The play isn’t about crudeness or throwing around the word vagina just for the sake of making people uncomfortable.

The event brought attention the violence that some women and children face daily.

Violence against women and children does happen.

It happens here in Coles County.

HOPE of East Central Illinois and SACIS are testament to that.

HOPE is a not for profit organization that helps women who have been the victims of violence. Jim Walters, the executive director of Hope said that their housing program includes emergency shelter, which will house 100 people this year.

HOPE also works with local schools in a community outreach program to educate children about domestic violence. This outreach program allows HOPE to recognize signs of domestic violence in children and it allows local children to realize violence in the home is not normal and it is not OK.

Walters said that in 2006, HOPE received about 2,500 calls to the domestic violence hotline.

SACIS is a not for profit sexual assault crisis center that is located in the basement of Lawson Hall. They provide counseling for anyone victimized by sexual assault, abuse or harassment.

Violence against women and children does happen.

And it does happen here.

But no V-day events were planned to raise money for these two organizations.

This year over 3,000 V-day events will take place all over the world. Thirty Illinois schools including the University of Illinois, Northwestern University, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Western Illinois University, Illinois State University and Northern Illinois University are all a part of the V-Day 2007 College Campaign.

Eastern Illinois University is not on that list.

V-day 2007’s theme is “Reclaiming Peace.” The theme was chosen in order to draw attention to the worldwide anti-violence work of V-day activists and the collective desire of the world for an end to arm-conflicts.

Maybe Eastern does not feel this is important, but it is.

I urge the Eastern student body to talk to the Student Government, the administration and other students and tell them that violence against women will not be tolerated and it is in the best interest of the university to address violence against women and children through informational programs and fundraising.

-for more information click here.

-check out our podcast with Jim Walters, the executive director of HOPE at Dennews.com.