Textbook rental book sale

Students wanting to add to their personal library or just have something new to read can find it this week at the Textbook Rental Book Sale.

The books are being sold from anywhere between 25 cents to $5 a book, giving student a great bargain.

Krista Scott who came to the book sale looking for writing guides walked out of the event with eleven books coming to a total of a little over eleven dollars.

Books in the sale are mainly old editions or books that have been discarded because departments have changed to new texts. These books range from novels and reading guides, to science and history books.

“Many times people buying the books are those who are taking the class now or have already taken it but are interested in owning the book they used,” said Amy Jones, a continuing education coordinator with textbook rental.

She said over the years the sale has changed because previously booksellers would come in without identification to buy books they could resell. Now it is required that those buying books present an EIU ID at checkout to prevent those not from the university from purchasing books.

Jones herself found a book for herself about Elvis’s life.

Scott said that the event was a way for her to get cheap books that she was interested in.

“My boyfriend looked online and found his chemistry book for eighty dollars on eBay, but here at the sale they were only charging five dollars for it,” Scott said.

The Textbook Book Sale will continue 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., today through Friday. On Friday there will be a $5 a box sale at the book sale for current Eastern students.