New faculty senate looks to future

In April, Eastern’s faculty held elections, electing 29 faculty members to serve on faculty senate and the various committees and councils around campus.

Two hundred seventy-two faculty members voted in the election, resulting in a 65 percent turn out.

In 2005, 187 faculty members voted, resulting in a 41.55 percent turn out.

John Pommier from the department of Recreation Administration was reelected to faculty senate with 168 votes. Pommier had previously served on faculty senate for nine semesters.

Due to serving on faculty senate for nine semesters, Pommier knows what is required to serve on the senate.

“I would like to contribute to serve the university by addressing topics after being fully informed,” said Pommier. “Listening to colleagues perspectives and doing homework are critical to serving well.”

Jeanne Snyder from the school of Family and Consumer Sciences was also elected to the faculty senate with 136 votes.

Snyder believes that the faculty senate should focus on playing a vital role in promoting and advocating programs as first choice programs. Snyder believes this will help the university communicate to prospective students on why Eastern is a top Midwest public school.

Snyder believes that it is necessary for all programs at Eastern to clearly demonstrate and convey their mission, goals and strengths.

“Other issues that should be addressed include service learning, student and faculty research, assessment and faculty impact on issues affecting the university,” said Snyder.

What members have to do are research topics that pertain to the faculty senate. This can mean researching admission requirements to teaching and grading requirements. “Besides the scheduled meeting time of Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. every week, many senators serve on various committees and are involved in gathering information between scheduled meeting times,” said Pommier.

Due to the amount of time, faculty senate members must devote to researching issues and attending meetings one would expect newly elected members to have some apprehension about their new jobs, but this is not the case.

“I do not have any apprehension in taking this position,” said Pommier. “If one is sincere in serving the university and puts forth effort, colleagues will be very supportive.”

“I am looking forward to working with my colleagues and playing a role in the decision making process regarding key issues that affect Eastern,” said Snyder.

Bud Fischer, John Stimac and Bill Joyce were also elected to faculty senate.

New senators will take their positions at the first meeting of Faculty Senate in the fall.