Faculty Senate will hold elections

The Faculty Senate meeting will be brief tomorrow to accommodate the Faculty Retirement Reception at 2:30 p.m. in the Tarble Arts Center.

“We hope that it only takes a half-hour so we can go over and honor our colleagues,” said John Stimac, geography/geology department chair and Faculty Senate recorder.

Faculty Senate and Eastern’s chapter of the University Professionals of Illinois will be co-sponsoring the retirement reception, Stimac said.

“Faculty members who have devoted their careers will be honored by their

colleagues and the campus community,” said Assege HalieMariam, psychology professor and Faculty Senate chair.

The Faculty Senate will hold executive elections at the meeting to fill the chair, vice-chair and recorder positions for next year, HalieMariam said. Campus-wide elections were held at the end of March to fill member positions.

“We have had a fantastic Faculty Senate and we will continue to do so,” HalieMariam said. “We have experienced members coming back for a second or third term, and we have a few new faces.”

The Faculty Senate will also set a date for a summer senate meeting and appoint volunteer faculty members to fill committee and board positions said Jeff Ashley, political science professor and Faculty Senate vice-chair.

Ashley said end of the year meetings tend to include a lot of preparatory business since summer is approaching.

“Generally we might have more ‘business’ meetings since there are things that

need to be wrapped up,” he said.

Stimac expects this to be the last Faculty Senate meeting of the year. However, if not all issues are settled in time for the retirement reception, a final meeting will be held April 25 to conclude any remaining business.

The senate meeting will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Room 4440 of Booth Library. The Faculty Retirement Reception will follow from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in the Tarble Arts Center.