Vagina Monologues return

V-Day stands for victory, valentine and vagina. The one-night performance of “The Vagina Monologues,” this week is how Sexual Assault Counseling Information Services celebrates V-day.

The V-Day event will consist of a silent art auction, a cocktail reception, bands and the production.

The art auction will feature paintings, ceramics, jewelry and other items created by local artists.

This production of “The Vagina Monologues” is slightly different than the professional productions that take place all over the country.

“Our production is separate from that,” said Kathy Davis, a SACIS counselor.

“The Vagina Monologues” is a play of poignant and funny interviews with women about how they feel about their bodies, she said.

The participants in the production are all students and members of the Charleston community.

“V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls,” according to the V-Day Web site,

V-Day was founded by artistic director Eve Ensler, author of “The Vagina Monologues.”

This is the first time in two years the SACIS has participated in V-Day.

Bands playing for the event include Motherlode and Come Hither.

Motherlode has been playing together for nearly 17 years, and one of its first events was “Take Back the Night,” an event that SACIS puts on every fall.

“We decided to take part in the (V-Day) event because we believe in what SACIS stands for, which is stopping violence against women and children,” said Althea Pendergast, member of Motherlode.

Motherlode will not only perform musically, but also theatrically by reading some of the monologues.

Tickets for the event are $5 for Eastern and Lake Land College students with identification and $15 for the general public.

Davis said 90 percent of the proceeds will go to helps SACIS programs, and the other 10 percent will go to the “Comfort Women” campaign.

The reception starts at 6 p.m. and the performance begins at 7 p.m. today in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union Grand Ballroom.

Tickets are available at the door or by calling SACIS at 348-5033.