New computer system may double paychecks’ pace for students

Students may be getting more paychecks per month under a new computer system Eastern is developing.

The increase in frequency of paychecks is a possibility under Eastern’s new Banner computer system project, which is overhauling all of Eastern’s academic and administrative computer systems.

An ability of the new system will be to allow students to receive paychecks biweekly or bimonthly.

“We’ve been planning to do this for some time, and it would have been possible with the old system, but with the new system we can take that leap,” said Chuck Phillips, director of human resources.

Phillips said that the change could happen, but it’s all dependent on getting the programs up and running.

“Programming needs to be done at some point to make paychecks happen,”

Phillips said.

Phillips said that this week his staff were in three days of training to learn more about the Banner project.

Phillips expects that setting the system up and getting it running will take about 18 months.

Many students like the idea of getting paychecks more than once a month.

“I wish we would get paid twice a month,” said Shelly Flagg, a senior communication disorders and sciences major who has worked at the Panther Pantry for four years. “I always run out of money by the end of the month.”

Other students don’t think it will effect them much

“I’m cool with being paid once a month,” said Dan Watson, a sophomore career technology education major who works as a desk assistant in his residence hall. “I just throw the money into an account, it’s easier to budget that way.”

Some students are unsure.

“If there’s no possibility of a tax increase then I’d love it,” said Nic Eastman, a junior computer information systems major who works with network assistance.