New oath for senate to be taken seriously
Student Senate voted to table three bills regarding a new oath for members, a senate tree-planting ceremony and allocation of $1,300 for the Conference on Student Government Associations.
The senate intends to emphasize responsibility to new members in coming years by proposing a mandatory oath of office.
“(Senate wants) to make (taking office) more of a formal event and hold senators more accountable for what they’re doing,” said Cole Rogers, chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee.
The bill, which was tabled unanimously, suggests a more professional environment for Student Senate, said Ryan Berger, speaker of the senate.
“(The oath would) step up the bar about seriousness and the image (senate members) have of each other and on campus,” Berger said.
Lauren Kluge, chairman of the Development and Recycling Committee, proposed a bill to create an annual event to plant a tree in the name of Student Senate, which was also tabled unanimously.
“(Planting trees) is a great way for student government to give back to the campus and to create a lasting impression (at Eastern),” Kluge said.
If the bill is passed, Kluge plans to start the project this semester. Money for the project to continue in coming years will be added into the senate’s budget for next year, Kluge said.
A bill to allow an extra $1,300 for the Conference on Student Government Associations (COSGA) was presented because of increased rates for plane tickets to the event.
The bill was amended with one abstention to allow for line item transfers instead of asking the Apportionment Board for the additional funds. The senate basically moved money around in its existing budget to cover the extra costs, said Nikki Kull, vice president of financial affairs. The amended bill was tabled in a vote of 20-2-2.
The three bills will be voted on at the senate’s meeting next week.
Student Senate also approved a first draft of its budget for next year to be sent to the Apportionment Board. If approved, the budget will then be sent back to the senate for a final vote. The senate will present its proposed budget at the Apportionment Board meeting at 7 p.m. in the Martinsville Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.
Student Senate meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Arcola-Tuscola Room of the Union.