Columnist berates attacks athletics

In response to Raymond Keeler’s Dec. 6 column, “It’s Thank You Time,” I have a few compliments for Raymond and those fabulous newswriting skills of his. First, I’d like to give a huge thanks and tell you how impressed I am that you kicked off your column commending the rugby girls on their “tough season” and still managed to end on a negative note, bashing the volleyball team and women’s basketball team.

Although there were undoubtedly four or five winners on Eastern’s campus who opened the paper to your column and now proclaim you as their new hero, many on campus failed to see the chivalrous side of your column and probably enjoyed throwing it away as much as the softball team would enjoy beating up Bill Ruthhart.

Concerning your insightful and school-spirited closing three paragraphs about the women’s basketball team, I say, “Atta’ boy, Raymond!” The team was probably completely oblivious to its losing record prior to your ingenious observations; thank goodness for writers like you who really dig for their news. Your impeccable ability to berate and personally attack individuals is commendable. Is that a knock at the door? What a shocker, Raymond; it’s not the Chicago Tribune looking to hire you after they read your award-winning column – it’s actually a bunch of scary girls with “bad make-up and bulging muscles” waiting for you. Before your column, I honestly believed Ruthhart’s column from last spring covering the softball team was the chart-topper of all time for the most mindless and berating athletic column ever, but you have now earned the right to march into Buzzard Hall and claim your rightful crown as the DEN’s No. 1 worst columnist.

Becky Carlson

Junior journalism major