Sisterhood acts on foundations of Christianity, friendship

Roberto Hodge, Multicultural Editor

Camille Williams and Tashi Nelson discovered the path to religious devotion when the parties they

Roberto Hodge
Camille Willims and Tashi Nelson both hold up the symbol representing their sorority. Elogeme Adolphi Christian Sorority, Inc is the only Christian sorority on Eastern’s campus.

attended began to feel too long and the behavior, corrupt.

Williams, a senior family and consumer sciences major, and Nelson, a sophomore biology major, made a decision to begin their spiritual metamorphoses and turn themselves over to an organization whose hand sign is the national symbol for love.

Elogeme Adolphi Christian sorority, the only Christian sorority in Charleston, is an organization dedicated to those who wish to strengthen their faith, as well as form a strong bond of sisterhood.

Despite the self-proclaimed title of a sorority, the organization is not actually an official greek sorority; however, those who join Elogeme may not join any other social or greek sorority. The women, who believe in a

Williams said everything the women do in the organization is Christian-centered and focused on community service, spirit and education. The women often wear butterflies on their shirts to represent what they call their metamorphosis, or a spiritual evolution into a more devoted Christian woman.

Williams said her transformation began with quitting old habits.

“I stopped going to party after party and started becoming more active in my church,” she said.

Elogeme is open strictly to Christian women, but any denomination of Christianity may join, Williams said.

They are also the first Christian sorority on Eastern’s campus along with their brother organization Megisté Areté fraternity, which is currently inactive due to low enrollment.

Williams said the organization is not greek-affiliated. Unlike many greek sororities, they are open about how they act as a sisterhood.

The women of Elogeme have various symbols that are biblical and some that are more loving representing a connection.

A Shepard’s rod is another one of their symbols standing for leading the lost souls back to Christ as well as many other symbols related to the Bible.

Tashi Nelson, a sophomore biology major and member, said the Elogeme’s work is similar to a ministry.

“You want people to see how God is using you,” Nelson said.

Williams said the sorority has two parts to the name. Elogeme stands for “Blessed of the Lord,” and Adolphi translates into “sisterhood.”

Their beginnings are based from Mattie P. Dawson, a woman who saw a vision from God in 1975 about a Christian sisterhood on college campuses.

This eventually became Elogeme Adolphi in 1987.

Elogeme has a different initiation than their greek counterparts.

Initiation is given the term “flight.”

Williams said the term is used because each woman who joins can take one another to higher spiritual heights in God’s name.

They have had four “flights” since their creation on campus in 2012, with three joining the previous initiation and seven members currently, Williams said.

Williams said joining the organization is a five-week process, involving 6 a.m. prayer every day, readings on the Bible, scripture memorization and other teachings of their faith.

Both girls at one point used to party a lot and they felt they needed a lifestyle change.

Nelson said she joined the organization because she wanted to form a closer bond to God and because she was new to Eastern, she did not think she could trust the church she was currently going to. Nelson said she also wanted to make friends with a group of girls she could count on and trust.

The hardest aspect for Nelson when she was joining was learning to depend on those on her flight process. She said because God wants everyone to work together, the women had to learn how to be a team and trust one another because if one of the girls messes up, they all would feel the repercussions of it.

Williams had similar reasons for joining, wanting to be a part of a sisterhood with a more disciplined faith.

Williams said because was baptized a few years ago, she felt the next step in her religious journey was to join the organization.

Williams said the hardest part for her flight was when she joined with her twin sister, Candace. Her “personal” – an organizational guide to lead new members on their journey – felt Williams and her sister were struggling to internalize their scriptures. By week three of five of the induction process, the sisters were asked to restart the process from the beginning.

Despite this setback, both sisters were inducted on time and continue to serve as active members within the organization.

Williams said she still remembers everything she had to say when greeting current members of the organization. She said they had to greet each member whenever seeing them on campus with the full title of the organization in the name of God, as well as telling them what the phrase and the scripture of the day was.

“I can feel comfortable and be honest, that’s what it’s all about,” Nelson said.

Roberto Hodge can be reached at 581-2812 or