Cartoon: JFK
When art professor Jeff Boshart received a letter congratulating him on becoming the 2013 Illinois professor of the year, he said he almost refused to open it.
“I thought I had a snowball’s chance in hell,” Boshart said.
He said he was genuinely surprised to find he had won the national award from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.
Boshart said he knew he had won the award since September but was unable to talk about it until an announcement was made at last week’s Board of Trustees meeting.
Boshart said Bonnie Irwin, dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, asked to apply on his behalf after reviewing his portfolio.
“Of course, what egotistical, self-righteous faculty member wouldn’t say yes,” he said.
This is the second time Irwin has sent an application for Boshart for the award. Boshart said this year they refocused his application to show how he has promoted education outside of teaching to both his peers and colleagues.
“That is something I have done in spades since I started my career here,” he said.
While at a ceremony last week in Washington D.C. for winning the award, Boshart said he met professors from disciplines such as engineering, biology and psychology who all focused their applications on similar topics.
“We had delightful discussions at lunch,” he said. “None of us felt like we belonged.”
None of the other professors present felt like they were special, Boshart said.
“We just love what we do,” he said.
Boshart said that many of his peers likely think he does not deserve the award.
“There will always be people who think that because they only see one side of me,” he said.
With less than a year before retirement, Boshart said he does not feel the need to impress people, but he has enjoyed the compliments he has received.
While eating breakfast at What’s Cookin’ Monday morning, Boshart said President Perry stopped by and said congratulations to him for the award.
“Anytime outside evaluators recognize something you spent a lifetime doing it’s wonderful,” Boshart said.
He said he wished he could share his award with the people who have supported his work and he is glad the award brings some national recognition to both Eastern and the state of Illinois.
“Eastern prides itself on quality of faculty,” Boshart said. “This helps people recognize the efforts of the university.”
Seth Schroeder can be reached at 581-2812 or